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Ever stumpled upon a Joomla 2.5 site where the integrated updater isn't working because of a disabled PHP option called allow_url_fopen? Well, as this is a pretty common problem I decided to fix it! I wrote a little plugin called JCurler which replaces the default Joomla! method of fetching updates, which is relying on an PHP feature that handles URLs as normal files from the local filesystem, with a method that uses the well known Curl library.

All of this is done without modifying a single line of Joomla's code in a small system plugin which can be downloaded here.

Please note: With Joomla 2.5.15 an improved updater has been integrated into the core that doesn't rely on allow_url_fopen anymore. Therefore, JCurler doesn't work on 2.5.15 and above.


1. Download the plugin
2. Install it
3. Activate it in the plugin manager